If you want to get to know our original Brazil in an authentic way in the heart of the Amazon, this is a unique experience. The Kubenkrãnkenh village of the Kayapó ethnic group (self-named "Mebêngôkre") in the south of the state of Pará opens a few groups a year to receive us in an experience of immersion in their indigenous culture.
In addition, the village is surrounded by waterfalls with pure and warm water, river beaches, high forest and you can exchange experiences and experience a real connection with nature with those
who best know how to live in harmony with it.
Tourism in the village was built through the concept of Community-Based Tourism, where the role and all choices are made by the village in a participatory way, so that the socio-environmental impact is as positive as possible.
Ethnotourism, when exercised respectfully for the benefit of the traditional population, is a way to encourage the economy of the standing forest, valuing culture and generating autonomy so that forest peoples can defend their territories and have a prosperous life in their villages.
The tourism development project in this village was written by the NGO Floresta Protegida, executed by Garupa and AMZ Projects, financed by the Amazon Fund.
The village chose to receive a maximum of 12 groups of up to 12 people to live this unique experience per year.
Best season: June to September
Next open departure: September 7th to 13th
We propose 7 days of authentic experiences in the village, living the daily life of its culture, exchanging knowledge and enjoying the exuberant nature. Experiences include body painting, singing and dancing, crafts, Mebêngôkre language class, waterfall baths, trails, river beach and lots of laughter and mutual curiosity.
photos of Roncca, Leo Pelatti and Felipe Ávila, Nazaré Braga
There accommodation has capacity for 12 people comfortably in small chalets with single or double beds,
shared and independent bathrooms.
Fotos de Paulo Velozo
understand the values
The operational costs for this experience to happen are high due to the logistics of arriving in the village and taking everything necessary. Our objective is to revert the maximum amount of money to the traditional populations in a tabulated way and counting on the community tax, which is the amount divided by all the families that live in the village.
Check the table on the side and contact us if you have any questions.
Detailed information
Inscreva-se em uma das datas abertas!
Venha fazer parte da segunda viagem aberta para a aldeia Kayapó que acontecerá entre os dias 5 e 12 de setembro!!
Esta viagem m desconto especial para o vôo particular, aproveite!!
Inscreva-se em um dos grupos a baixo:
03 a 11 (roteiro 1)
11 a 18 (roteiro 2)
07 a 15 (roteiro 1)
15 a 22 (roteiro 2)