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boat trips

one of these boats could be your home

in the Amazon.

Sailing is one of the best ways to experience the Amazon. The rivers are the "streets" through which the Amazon connects, and on their banks families are born, children play, and fishermen cast their nets in their canoes in the late afternoon. Experiencing the Amazon on a boat gives you the experience of waking up each day in a magical place, visiting several riverside communities, feeling the breeze, seeing the riverbanks and its many beaches, going into the forest and visiting several creeks. In addition, it has all the comfort you need to call the boat home.

There are several types of boats, which will certainly make you very happy.

Rios Arapiuns e Tapajós

To access these rivers, you must take a flight to the city of Santarém, in Pará, which is a 45-minute drive from the charming village of Alter do Chão, where you can stay before and after boarding. The Arapiuns River is famous for its super clear, yellowish water and white sand beaches, which is why it has been nicknamed the "Amazonian Caribbean". The Tapajós River is also famous for its beaches and creeks. Both rivers have several traditional communities that welcome us to have authentic experiences with them.

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 belle amazon AND DOLPHIN

The Amazon Dolphin has capacity for 22 people with 11 rooms in total. It has 2 Master cabins with King bed and private bathroom, 9 cabins with bunk beds where the lower bed is a double bed and the upper bed is a single bed with private bathroom.


belle amazon

​The Belle Amazon has capacity for 16 people, with 8 rooms in total. It has 1 Master cabin with King bed and private bathroom, 3 cabins with double bed and private bathroom, 4 cabins with bunk beds where the bottom bed is a double bed and the top is a single bed and private bathroom.

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This boat holds 8 people comfortably.

It has 4 cabins, 1 master suite with private bathroom,

2 double cabins with private bathroom,

1 bunk cabin with external bathroom. 


 Pajé BOAT

This boat has 2 bedrooms, both with a double bed and a single bed, bunk style and toilet inside. It has a wonderful deck and top notch service!

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Regional boats are typical of the Amazon. They have a 360º view of the rivers, are very airy, and come in different sizes, accommodating from 10 to 30 people, with accommodation in hammocks and bedrooms. Each regional boat is a universe, and we provide personalized quotes. Contact us!


The Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões are rivers that run side by side in the Amazon before joining to form the Amazon River, which is the largest river in the world. The Rio Negro has a dark color due to the large amount of organic matter it carries. The Rio Solimões has a muddy color due to the sediment load that comes from the Peruvian Andes. One of the attractions is to see the meeting of the waters, where the rivers meet and do not mix because they have different characteristics, such as temperature, speed and chemical composition.

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The Jacaré Açu boat is 64 feet long and has three floors. It can accommodate up to 16 people, spread across 8 air-conditioned suites.



This vessel is 53 feet long, with two floors. It accommodates up to 8 people, arranged in 3 air-conditioned cabins.


Spice up your experience!

You can add mini events during the trip like dinners on the beach, parties, bands at sunset, open air cinema, dance workshop, lectures, yoga classes, panoramic flight with hydro plane ... you can invent!

We are here to make your dreams come true!


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